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Why be a Member of the Elks?

Youth...Our Future - Elks Scholarship Fund

The Elks are committed to America's Promise, an alliance of organizations building a better future for our youth. The Elks have promised to sponsor drug-free proms in 2,000 communities by the year 2000; develop after-school programs at 1,000 Elks Lodges; develop mentoring relationships with at least 10 at-risk kids in each local Lodge community; and engage 275,000 young people as partners in our community service programs.

The Elks "Hoop Shoot"® free-throw program is the largest coeducational sports program in the country. More that three million kids participated in this year's contest.

The Elks Drug Awareness Program prints and distributes, free of charge, up-to-date information about drugs to school-children, their teachers, and their parents. Since the program's inception in 1983, the Elks have distributed more than 200 million pieces of literature.

In addition to information about drugs, the Elks provide alternatives to drug use by sponsoring activities ranging from Little League to Scouting. More than 6 million kids participated in these Elk-sponsored activities last year.

Elks Remember - Support Veteran Projects

The Elks have pledged not to forget hospitalized veterans, and each year they visit hundreds of thousands of patients at VA medical centers and veterans hospitals, throwing parties and providing companionship. And they invite patients who can leave the facilities to events at Elks Lodges, on fishing trips, and to ball games. The value of the Elks' contributions to veterans service last year was more that $13 million.

Last year alone, the Elks adopted and befriended more than 145, 000 veterans who were far from home or without family.

Family Is First - Support Your Elks Youth Project

Each State Elks Association has its own charitable project. These include summer camps for children with disabilities or who are financially disadvantaged; in-home treatment for people with disabilities; children's hospitals; cancer research; and providing safe, temporary havens for abused families.

In nearly 2,200 communities, men and women of our local Lodges are working to meet local needs, whether that's funding the food bank, supplying instruments for the high school band, holding a drug-free prom, or promoting literacy at schools and libraries.

We believe in helping others, but we also believe in having fun. Often we manage to combine the two. Some of our Lodges feature swimming pools, golf courses, playrooms, and ballrooms; most have dining facilities; all offer family entertainment. We enjoy doing the good works we do and the people we do them with - our families and our friends.

"The Cornerstone of Elkdom" - Elks National Foundation

The value of the Elks' charitable works last year was more than $191 million.

Many of the Elks' charitable programs are funded in part by the Elks National Foundation, a perpetual fund with assets exceeding $375 million.

Last year, the Foundation disbursed $13.1 million in support of the "Hoop Shoot"®, scholarships, veterans service, drug awareness, state charitable projects, and other philanthropic programs.

The Elks National Foundation annually awards $3.4 million in college scholarships through the "Most Valuable Student" scholarship program, Legacy Awards for children of Elks, Scouting scholarships, and emergency educational grants for children of deceased or totally disabled Elks. In addition, Elks at the local, district, and state level awarded $8.5 million in scholarships.

Since 1868, we've been serving our communities, our states and our country. Now you know.